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掌櫃物語 Tips of wellbeing and healthy:


雪耳,又名『 平民燕窩 ,含有大量胡蘿蔔素,能增強皮膚的抗損傷能力,有助維持皮膚細胞組織正常機能,刺激皮膚新陳代謝,保持皮膚潤澤細嫩。

It can enhance the skin's ability to resist damage, stimulate skin metabolism, and keep the skin moist and tender.


-內有2 小包,每1小包已是2 人份量

-It includes 2 packs and there is 2 servings per pack.


* 孕婦、來經期間者不宜食用桃膠

* Pregnant women and those during menstruation should not consume peach gum


[ 冰糖雪耳燉桃膠 ] 2 人份Peach gum and snow fungus rock sugar soup ( 2 Servings)

  • 滋潤皮膚,養顏美肌

    Moisturize and nourish the skin

  • 桃膠, 雪耳, 紅棗,杞子,冰糖

    peach gum, snow fungus , red dates, gouqi, rock sugar

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