掌櫃物語 Tips of Wellbeing and Health:
山楂 : 促進消化、活氣化瘀
玫瑰花: 可緩和情緒、補血氣及美容護膚
黑糖 : 治月經疼痛、暖胃
洛神花 : 抗氧化、降血壓
Rosella: Antioxidant and hypotensive
Hawthorn : Improve digestive health
Licorice: relieve symptoms of indigestion
Roses - uplifting effect on the nervous system, enrich the blood and hydration our skin
Brown Sugar
*** 此茶味酸,不宜空腹飲用。孕婦、女士月經期間不宜飲用。***
*** not suitable for pregnant people, menstrual cycle.
This tea may taste a bit sour, not suitable for people who have empty stomachs.***
洛神美顏茶 TEA for beauty and healthy ( 10包)10 Packs
This tea can effectively help improve sleeping, antioxidant and nourish skin, and helps to control blood levels.