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掌櫃物語  Tips of Wellbeing and Health:



Angelica can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, which is suitable to help the symptoms of irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea; while red dates can nourish blood and soothe the nerves



-內有2 小包,每1小包已是2 人份量

-It includes 2 packs and there is 2 servings per pack.

當歸紅棗蛋茶 (2 人份)Sweet Soup with Angelica and Egg (2 Servings)

  • 適合幫助月經不調、痛經的症狀


    It is suitable to help the symptoms of irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea

  • 當歸 ,紅棗,桂圓

    Angelica, red dates, longan

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