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掌櫃物語 Tips of Wellbeing and Health:

海玉竹產地於雲南,入肺丶脾、腎經, 有潤肺健脾、補氣養陰、益腎精功效;用於脾腎虛弱、最適合腎虛引致腰膝酸軟、耳鳴、過早多白髮脾虛乏力的人士食用。海玉竹具有良好補腎陰功效,經常飲用使人精神充沛,活力倍增。

It is suitable for weak spleen and kidneys. It is most suitable for kidney deficiency leading to soreness of waist and knees, tinnitus, and premature polygonitis.


*** 湯包並不含新鮮肉類和蔬茶

*** Soup pack does not include meat/ vegetables.

花旗參海玉竹湯 Pork bones Soup with Polygonatum Macropodium and American Ginseng

  • 補氣養陰,陰虛火旺

    Replenishing qi and nourishing yin, yin deficiency and fire exuberance

  • 花旗參 ,海玉竹, 螺片 ,芡實 ,淮山 ,陳皮 ,蜜棗 

     Ginseng, Polygonatum Macropodium,Sliced Sea Whelks,Gordon Euryale Seed, Chinese Yam, Tangerine Peel,Jujube

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